King of Kefir is Ireland’s and Europe’s first dedicated water kefir brewery using traditional water kefir grains since 2014.

Each of our flavours is handcrafted using only organic botanical ingredients and herbal infusions.

Our obsession is making the tastiest, healthiest and most delicious botanical drinks.

All of our drinks are 100% natural and free of artificial flavourings, preservatives, and additives. We believe in the power of natural ingredients to nourish the body.

So no additives, colours, flavours, or preservatives are used here, which have been shown to interrupt good gut health.

What is Water Kefir?

Kefir grains are composed of diverse symbiotic communities of bacteria and yeast and we use them to ferment and fizz-up our drinks.

There are two types of kefir grains: water and milk. Simply put, water kefir grains are meant to be fermented in water and milk kefir grains are meant to be fermented in milk products. This is because they both have different nutritional requirements to grow. The grains are small, jelly-like substances that are created by ‘gut friendly’ bacteria. Water kefir is also known by other names in different parts of the world such as Japanese water crystals and tibicos.

This vegan-friendly alternative is perfect for those who are looking for the benefits of kefir’s live cultures. Among its benefits are organic acids, lactobacillus bacteria, vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants.

There are many other types of fermented cultures from around the world which are used for making drinks such as Kombucha, Kvass, Jun and mother of vinegar and are of course all worth exploring. They all have different bacteria profiles and form uniquely shaped SCOBYs (symbiotic cultures of bacteria and yeast) with their own distinctive flavours. 

What’s Unique About Our Water Kefir Drinks?

A helpful tip is to look for both the words saying unfiltered and unpasteurised on a label.

Many commercial fermented drinks are sterile filtered to remove good gut bacteria and yeast, but may advertise they are raw and unpasteurised. This is confusing and even misleading for the consumer as they are not sure about what they are actually buying in regards to the available live cultures.

We neither filter or pasteurise our drinks.

What are the benefits?

Dairy free, gluten free, plant based, no added sugar and suitable for diabetics.

Less than 7 Kcal per bottle and non-alcoholic.

Natural ingredients and teeming with gut friendly bacteria.

Slow fermented for 14 days in the can & bottle, so the live culture creates the gentle fizz.


As seen in the: